Next Day Delivery
A number of service options are at your fingertips.
- Priority pre 9am deliveries
- Priority pre 10am deliveries
- Priority pre 12 noon deliveries
- Next Working day deliveries by close of business
- And there are no hidden surcharges for RESIDENTIAL deliveries either!
Enhanced Liability is also available upon request.
We have a number tailored solutions to cater for all of your distribution challenges, to suit your business needs.
Our web-based booking platform allows you to create labels and track your shipments LIVE online.
- Get started with just an email address & password
- Fewer steps and more intuitive
- Ship from any mobile device
- Track all shipments in one place
- Repeat shipments with smart tools
You can be up and running in no time!
Need Enhanced Liability, we have got you covered. Just ask the team, and we can cover your shipments against loss or damage, and provide you with the cost.
Our standard liability is £13.00 per kilo.
In order to help you budget, we can supply MI reports that sort your shipments by many other variables.
You can book your shipments before the despatch date, and if you have a large number of shipments on the same day you can simply import your existing spreadsheet, thus saving you a good deal of time. Previous addresses are also saved to make your life easier.
You can also integrate via API, with your order and warehouse management systems.
All these solutions are supported by our proactive customer service team who will ease your distribution challenges.
Reduce and simplify your shipping process and costs today, contact us.
Dimension limits – Parcels
Note we can ship parcels with larger dimensions, but this will attract a surcharge.
Width: 76cm
Weight: 30kg
per package
Height: 76cm
Weight: 30kg
per package
Dimension limits – PaLLETs
Note we can ship pallets with larger dimensions, but this will attract a surcharge.
Length: 1.0m
Width: 1.2m
Weight: 1,200kg
per pallet
Height: 2.2m
Weight: 1,200kg
per pallet
- Automated booking and tracking web platform
- No residential surcharges
- One hour time windows by SMS or email
- Email pre-alerts to receivers
- Dedicated customer service team
- Proactive shipment monitoring
- Email bookings
- Additional insurance upon request
- Third Party Collections
- Weekly or monthly invoicing